This Christmas Tree Doubles As A Mini Cave Hideaway For Your Pets

If you’re anything like me, then you’re probably thinking of getting your pet a Christmas present even though they won’t really give you one in return. It might seem excessive and ridiculous to others, but you know that your furry companions deserve just as much love as your human friends and family. And if you’re also trying to figure out a clever way to deal with your kitty constantly knocking down your tree, then consider your Christmas conundrum solved. Bed Bath & Beyond has released a Christmas tree pet house, and it’s honestly the most brilliant and festive pet-related product we’ve seen so far.

The cozy tree-shaped cat cave measures 15 inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 22 inches in height. With its generous dimensions, your cat can comfortably curl up and have its most festive nap this holiday season. Bed Bath & Beyond, in the description, wrote that the holiday tree wool pet cave is:

“Crafted of wool [and] it provides enough space for your pet to stretch out and lounge the day away. The scent of wool naturally attracts your pet, [and] provides a safe space so your pet feels secure.”

The Christmas tree pet house makes a purrfect holiday gift/sanctuary in more ways than one.

Bed Bath & Beyond’s Christmas tree pet house includes more pet-friendly features than your run-of-the-mill pet house. For starters, since this festive pet house is crafted purely from wool, its scent will naturally attract your pet. So you won’t really have a hard time encouraging your feline friend to check out her new crib. The wool also contains lanolin, which helps in conditioning your cat’s fur and paws. Moreover, the scent emanating from the wool reminds them of their mother’s scent. That’s probably the most thoughtful thing any company making pet houses has ever done!

Plus, the woolly pet house is fully capable of keeping its shape without wires that could potentially poke your precious baby. It is also collapsible for easy storage (provided that your cat will let you). The reason why this pet house is able to retain its shape is because it is made from boiled felt, which makes the material “soft but somewhat sturdy”.


Green Christmas Tree Pet House

Bed Bath & Beyond


White Christmas Tree Pet House

Bed Bath & Beyond


The tree-shaped pet house is available in two colorways to suit your holiday aesthetic. You can choose between green and white, or get both, if you want to complete the set. Each tree is decorated with colorful pompom balls that your curious cat will definitely find fascinating. We can already see the Instagram possibilities of this tree. The Christmas tree pet house currently retails for $79.99 online and in-store, and qualifies for free shipping. So hurry before you miss the chance of roping in your feline friend for the holiday festivities! If you’re feeling truly generous and want to honor the Halloween extravaganza first, then you should definitely check out this pumpkin cat bed.