Find Out Which Houseplant You Should Get For Your Home


Having a houseplant can be excellent for a variety of reasons. They add a decorative touch to your room, sure, but indoor plants can even purify the air and help you to de-stress. So, what's not to love? Sometimes the issue is that you're worried about your ability to take care of a plant, either because you're away a lot or simply because you have a tendency to forget to water them. But, fear not, even those without a green thumb anywhere in sight can have a houseplant, you just need to choose the right one! The people over at 'Made', in conjunction with 'Visually', have created this awesome flowchart that will help you pick out the right indoor plant for your house. All you have to do is answer the questions and you'll soon find out what sort of plant is the best for you. 
Website: Made



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